Analisis ‘Illah Hukum Terhadap Hadis Perubatan Nabawī Berkaitan Habbatussauda, Madu, Susu Berserta Air Kencing Unta

Prophetic Medicine on the Usage of the Black Seed, Honey, Milk, and Camel’s Urine: An Analysis of its ‘Illah


  • Ahmad Akram Mahmad Robbi Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis
  • Mohamad Faiq Mohamad Sharin Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis
  • Irwan Mohd Subri Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



Prophetic medicine, ‘illah, black seed, honey, camel’s urine and milk.


Prophetic medicine is one of the parts of Islamic Shariah law as it is mentioned in the hadiths of the Prophet which is one of the sources of Islamic jurisprudence. To avoid any misunderstanding and exploitation in society, these hadiths need to be understood precisely through the method of ‘illah analysis contained in these hadiths. The ‘illah debate has been explained in detail by past and contemporary scholars from both theoretical and practical points of view. Thus, through qualitative methods, the researchers refer to the main sources of fiqh, uṣūl fiqh and prophetic medicine to discuss the debate of 'illah and Prophetic medicine in more depth while utilizing current scholarly writings, articles, newspapers, magazines and websites that touching on the topic of study. Overall, based on research on the hadiths related to the black seed, honey, and camel’s urine and milk, the researchers found that the hadiths about Prophetic medicines are not all absolutely general in nature and mean obligatory orders because there are certain qarinah that deny them. Therefore, it is inappropriate if these hadiths are practiced according to their understanding that is only taken outwardly without taking into account factors such as the position of the hadith, its context, and interpretation.


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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v7i1.168
Published: 2022-05-31

How to Cite

Mahmad Robbi, A. A. ., Mohamad Sharin, M. F. ., & Mohd Subri, I. . (2022). Analisis ‘Illah Hukum Terhadap Hadis Perubatan Nabawī Berkaitan Habbatussauda, Madu, Susu Berserta Air Kencing Unta: Prophetic Medicine on the Usage of the Black Seed, Honey, Milk, and Camel’s Urine: An Analysis of its ‘Illah. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 7(1), 32-40.


