Analisis Kepentingan Ilmu Fiqh Di Sisi Ulama Ḥadīth

A Study on the Importance of Islamic Jurisprudence Among the Scholar of Hadith


  • Muhamad Rozaimi bin Ramle Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
  • Wahyu Hidayat bin Abdullah Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
  • Mohd Noor Adli bin Othman Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera



Islamic jurisprudence, scholar of hadith


There is claim made by some people that ḥadīth scholars are not expert in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence. Thus, this study discusses the expertise and contribution of ḥadīth scholars in this field. This is to prove how accurate the claim is that the ḥadīth scholars are not expert in the Islamic Jurisprudence.This study will apply the inductive and deductive methodologies in order to analize data collected in this study. The findings of the study indicate that there are ḥadīth scholars having their own mazhab of fiqh. There were also ḥadīth scholars who were appointed judges in the courts in their time. The scholars of ḥadīth also emphasize the importance of the fiqh of ḥadīth so as to make it part of the sciences of ḥadīth. The conclusion of this study is that the claim stating the ḥadīth scholars are not experts in the Islamic Jusrisprudence is completely not true.



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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v6i1.122
Published: 2021-05-30

How to Cite

bin Ramle, M. R. ., bin Abdullah, W. H. ., & bin Othman, M. N. A. (2021). Analisis Kepentingan Ilmu Fiqh Di Sisi Ulama Ḥadīth: A Study on the Importance of Islamic Jurisprudence Among the Scholar of Hadith. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 6(1), 1-9.




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