Analisis Komprehensif Terhadap Isu-Isu Dakwaan Sebagai Sahabat Nabi Saw Bermula Dari Kurun Ke 5 Hingga Ke 7 Hijrah
A Comprehensive Analysis of The Issues Regarding the Claims to Be the Prophet’s Companions Beginning from the 5th To The 7th Hijrah
Narrator of Hadith, Generations of the Companions, False Claims About the CompanionsAbstract
During the early 5th until the 7th Hijrah, the Crusades on Muslim land began in 492 H until the eruption of the Siege of Acre in 690 H resulted in a decline of intellectual achievements and stagnation in knowledge among the Muslims. Besides that, there were also conflicts and ongoing political turmoils, which led to the Muslim’s further deterioration with the sack of Baghdad in the hands of Tatar in 656 H till 702 H. Amid chaos around that century, there emerged several individuals who regarded themselves as the companions of the Prophet. These individuals purportedly claimed that they lived a long life and narrated hadiths from Rasulullah SAW that were categorized as Mujāzafah or excessive in nature. Hence, this research analyzes the claim of these individuals, their identity, and the hadiths they reported to establish their existence throughout these 3 centuries. The methodology adopted for this study is based on the collection of data using library research and documentation methods whilst the data collected is analyzed using both, an inductive and deductive approach. From the study, it was discovered that these individuals had self-proclaimed themselves to be the Companions of the Prophet thus making their assertion to be completely baseless. In addition, it was also found that there were also efforts by a group of irresponsible fanatics who fabricated the existence of these narrators solely to achieve fame and a higher-ranking Sanad.
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