Opinion of Hadith Scholars on The Understanding of Hadith by Extremists


  • Nur Bakri Abd Hamid Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Open University Malaysia




Sunnah, Hadith, Extremist, ISIS, Syria


More than 120 Muslim scholars around the world have rejected Al-Baghdadi's caliphate and condemned atrocities committed by ISIS through one open letter distributed at the end of September 2014. The scholars decided that the concept of the Islamic caliphate is not valid. The article seeks to uncover and deal with hadith concerns misinterpreted by ISIS and addressed by hadith scholars’ views. This article uses library research techniques to gather a variety of ideas, facts, research findings, and expert opinions along with pertinent analysis. Among the causes of confusion and misunderstanding of hadith amongst Muslim is the development of technology, which allows people to obtain and interpret information about hadith without consulting religious experts, using logic of reason in interpreting the hadith, understanding the hadith without considering maqasid, misunderstanding of the contextual approach, and others. The results of this writing are expected to assist Muslim community in understanding the hadiths of the Prophet SAW well without any confusion that can distort their belief and practice.


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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v9i1.290
Published: 2024-06-01

How to Cite

Abd Hamid, N. B. . (2024). Opinion of Hadith Scholars on The Understanding of Hadith by Extremists. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 9(1), 90-99. https://doi.org/10.33102/johs.v9i1.290


