انتقادات حسن السقاف أحاديث البخاري بالدعوى فيها أخطاء تاريخية: دراسة تحليلية

Hasan al-Saqqaf's Criticism of al-Bukhari's Hadiths Claiming Historical Errors: An Analytical Study


  • Mohd Amirul Hassan Ahmad Tajuddin Fakulti Pengajian Islam dan Sains Sosial,Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah
  • Shayuthy Abdul Mannas Fakulti Pengajian Islam dan Sains Sosial,Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah




Sahih al-Bukhari, Text Criticism, Historical Discrepancy, Hasan al-Saqqaf.


This paper aims to compile the hadiths that Hasan al-Saqqaf criticized in Sahih al-Bukhari on the grounds of historical inaccuracies. An analytical study is then conducted on the criticisms directed at these hadiths. The researcher uses a qualitative research method, specifically the documentary analysis method, by tracking Hasan al-Saqqaf's works, particularly from his Facebook page, and gathering two hadiths that were examined under the claim of historical inaccuracies. One of the key findings of the researcher is that Hasan al-Saqqaf's criticism of these two hadiths did not align with the methodology of hadith criticism in relation to history, according to the researcher's analysis, due to several reasons, the most significant being errors in handling historical sources. 


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How to Cite

Ahmad Tajuddin, M. A. H. ., & Abdul Mannas, S. . (2024). انتقادات حسن السقاف أحاديث البخاري بالدعوى فيها أخطاء تاريخية: دراسة تحليلية: Hasan al-Saqqaf’s Criticism of al-Bukhari’s Hadiths Claiming Historical Errors: An Analytical Study. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 9(2), 57–76. https://doi.org/10.33102/johs.v9i2.315




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