Kitab Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad Dan Tanqih Al-Qaul Oleh Syaikh Nawawi Al-Bantani: Kajian Perbandingan Terhadap Metode Penulisan Hadis

The Works of Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul by Syaikh Nawawi al-Bantani: A Comparative Research on the Methods of Writing the Hadith


  • Arwansyah bin Kirin Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Shakila binti Ahmad Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Muhammad Masruri Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Siti Marpuah Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Faisal Husen Ismail Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Nor Shela Saleh Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia



Tanqih al-Qaul, Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad, Methods of Writing the Hadis, Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani


The works of Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul by Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani are among the several major works referred to in the Archipelago in Islamic knowledge related to religious advice and aspects of Targhib wa Tarhib. Both works contain many hadiss. However, there is no position of the hadis presented in the two works because the methodology is not as relevant as the methodology of the authoritative work of hadis. Therefore, this study aims to look at the methodology of writing the hadis of the work Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul by Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani. In addition, this study also does comparative research on the methods of the two works to find out the points of similarities and differences between the two works. The methodology of this study is qualitative through the method of literature and content analysis design of the works of Nasa’ih al-Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul. This study found that there is a similarity in the methodology of hadis writing in the work Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul, which is the writing of hadis without sanad and only states mukhrij hadis only, writing hadis without sanad and mentioning Rawi al-A’la at the level of Sahabat, using the lafaz (sighat) of Ruwiya and Qala at the beginning of the hadis as well as writing the hadis using matan (Narrated by bi al-Lafz). While the difference is that in the work Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani wrote hadis without sanad by adding rawi a`la at the level of tabi`in and some additional sighat. In the book Tanqih al-Qaul, he added the method of writing hadis without sanad only mentioning Muhkrij al-Hadis and rawi a’la at the beginning of the matan, adding some words or sighat hadis and using the method of stating the source of hadis such as the name of the wor and the author of the work.


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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v8i1.224
Published: 2023-05-31

How to Cite

bin Kirin, A. ., binti Ahmad, S., Masruri, M. ., Marpuah, S. ., Ismail, F. H. ., & Saleh, N. S. . (2023). Kitab Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad Dan Tanqih Al-Qaul Oleh Syaikh Nawawi Al-Bantani: Kajian Perbandingan Terhadap Metode Penulisan Hadis: The Works of Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul by Syaikh Nawawi al-Bantani: A Comparative Research on the Methods of Writing the Hadith. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 8(1), 34-45.




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