Metodologi Penulisan Hadis Kitab Nasa’ih Al-Diniyyah Oleh Abdullah Al-Haddad

Methodology of Hadis Writing in Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah by Abdulllah al-Haddad


  • Arwansyah Kirin Department of Islamic Studies, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Savri Yansah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup, Indonesia



Abdullah al-Haddad; Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah; Metodology; Writing Hadis.


Abdullah al-Haddad was a great scholar of the 17th century who became a role model for later scholars. He produced works that are used as a guide by people in Indonesia, especially among Islamic boarding schools with traditional patterns. His famous work is Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah wa al-Wasaya al-Imaniyah. In this book, many of the Prophet’s hadis are used as arguments (hujjah) but the status of the hadis is not explained whether they are authentic or otherwise. Therefore it is important to explain the methodology of writing the hadis contained in this book so that its status can be recognized as well as to measure the extent of his knowledge in the science of hadis. This study aims to explore the methodology of writing the hadis used by Abdullah al-Haddad in the Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the methodology of writing the hadis used by Abdullah al-Haddad and reveal the extent of his knowledge and status as a scholar of hadis through his book, Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah. The study methodology used is document analysis through a descriptive analysis approach, explaining and analyzing the book as a whole, especially the methodology of writing the hadis. This study found that Abdullah al-Haddad used several methods of writing the hadis in his Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah including: (1) writing hadis without sanad (chain of transmission of the hadis) and hadis narrators), (2) writing hadis using the Rawi al-A’la and declare hadis narrators, (3) (writing hadis without sanad (chain of transmission of the hadis) and just declare hadis narrators, (4) (writing hadis using lafaz (sighat) Qala and Warada at the beginning of the hadis. This study found that Abdullah al-Haddad had good knowledge in the science of hadis although not proportional with well-known scholars. Besides that, it also can provide an understanding about the method of writing hadis by al-Zarnuji in his book Ta'lim al-Muta'allim to the public.


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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v8i2.262
Published: 2023-12-01

How to Cite

Kirin, A. ., & Yansah, S. . (2023). Metodologi Penulisan Hadis Kitab Nasa’ih Al-Diniyyah Oleh Abdullah Al-Haddad: Methodology of Hadis Writing in Nasa’ih al-Diniyyah by Abdulllah al-Haddad. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 8(2), 66-73.


