The Concept Of Ta’dīb As A Prophetic Method Of Child Education: An Analytical Study


  • Amina Khatun International Islamic University Malaysia



Ta’dīb Concept, Prophetic education, child education. Sunnah


The research seeks to find out what ta’dīb is by identifying some of its principles and methods in training and education, and that is through establishing the controls of the method of education in the Sunnah of the Prophet and analysing the controls of the method of education by giving examples and their applications in the prophetic educational curriculum. It employs inductive and analytical methodologies in which relevant data is collected from Sunnah books (Kutub Sittah) to guide the ta’dīb concept and its application in child education. The title explains the essence and significance of ta’dīb in children’s education. It investigates how educational principles and systems are supposed to guide the human soul while raising children. The article highlights the nature of ta’dīb in Sunnah, in contrast to its un-Islamic applications in many societies. Finally, the study provides information on the implications of using the ta’dīb method to raise children in Islam.


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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v8i1.228
Published: 2023-05-31

How to Cite

Khatun, A. (2023). The Concept Of Ta’dīb As A Prophetic Method Of Child Education: An Analytical Study. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 8(1), 76-90.


