Buying And Selling Orders In The Kitab Al-Jami' Sahih Muslim: A Study Of Takhrij


  • Ahmad Syaichoni UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung



Buying and Selling Salam, Takhrij, Contract Actualization


Kitab Al-Jami', better known as Kitab Sahih Muslim, is a famous kutub al-sittah. This book is attributed to Al-Imam Abu al-Husain Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Qusyairi al-Naisaburi, better known as  Imam Muslim. This book discusses hadiths in various spheres of life, such as aqidah, worship, and muamalah. This paper traces the muamalah's study of buying and selling orders in the Muslim Sahih Book. One transaction that has developed along with the advancement of information and technology is buying and selling orders, known as bay' al-salam. Bay al-salam transactions in the modern era are used in online buying and selling transactions. This paper seeks to trace how the position of buying and selling greetings in the hadith of the Prophet is contained in the Book of Sahih Muslim.  This paper uses literature research using the takhrij hadith method. The takhrij hadith method is used with a thematic approach (maudhu'i). The results showed that the hadith about buying and selling orders is in the hadith 'aziz with muttasil. The matan of this hadith does not contradict the intellect and postulates of the Qur'an. Order buying and selling transactions in their actualization experience differences in criteria applied in Islamic bank financing products and online buying and selling or e-commerce.  Greeting transactions are not only in agriculture but also include various products with a cash payment system at the beginning of the transaction.


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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v8i2.257
Published: 2023-12-01

How to Cite

Syaichoni, A. . (2023). Buying And Selling Orders In The Kitab Al-Jami’ Sahih Muslim: A Study Of Takhrij. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 8(2), 1-10.


