Tumbuh-Tumbuhan Ubatan Dalam Hadith Tersenarai Kini Sebagai Terancam: Kajian Intertekstual Klasik-Data Saintifik
Medicinal Plants Mentioned in Hadith Listed as Threatened: An Intertextuality Of Classical- Scientific Data
Medicinal plant, hadith, textual, scientificAbstract
Medicinal plants have been used traditionally for thousands of years and gain their place today as pharmaceuticals in the medical industry. The medicinal value makes them the most important resource to human being as early as in the ancient time, and as well were used in perfumery until the golden age of Islam. However, today some of them face the threat of extinction due to lack of awareness in forms of uncontrolled use, logging and forest burning. As an initiative to delve into the deep, this study conducts an intertextual approach to interconnect between classical Arabic texts and contemporary sources. This study focuses on plants mentioned in Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāriy in terms of risk of extinction listed by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). As a result, this study found that there are a total of five species categorized in the list. Two of them are critically endangered which is at a high risk of extinction and another two are vulnerable and a species is least concern which is low risk of extinction. This study recommends creating of awareness to the community about the values and benefits of plants that are useful to human, as well as responsibility of doing conservation to maintain its sustainability for future generations.
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