Amalan Sujud Mencium Kaki Guru Tarekat: Penghormatan Atau Keterlampauan Agama
Practice of Prostrating and Kissing the Feet of the Tariqa Guru: A Respect or an Excessive Religious Act
Hadith; Kiss Feet; Honouring; Sufi; Tariqah.Abstract
The followers of the Sufi path often associate their practices through the way of tariqa, particularly in their respect for the shaykh. However, there are those among them who take their reverence for the shaykh or guru to an excessive level. One form of homage is through kissing the feet. This action has become a debated issue on social media, leading to discussions and shifts within different factions. To what extent is the act of kissing the shaykh's feet rooted in and permitted by Islam? This paper aims to identify the relevant sources regarding the issue of kissing the shaykh's feet as a form of respect. The study takes a qualitative approach using library research and data analysis. The data is descriptively analysed thematically. The study's findings indicate that there is no valid evidence supporting the act of kissing the shaykh's feet as a basis for practicing proper etiquette towards the guru. Nevertheless, some scholars permit this act with the condition that it is not done in the manner of prostration and not frequently. However, the view that rejects it is stronger based on religious evidence and local customs. All parties should exercise caution and avoid excessive expressions of actions that could lead to forms of idolatry. Simultaneously, differing viewpoints should be handled harmoniously to reduce endless disputes and harm among various factions.
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