Integrasi Al-Quran Dan Sunnah Nabawi Dalam Membentuk Keluarga Madani: Panduan Ibu Bapa Ketika Berkomunikasi Dengan Anak Perempuan

Integration of The Quran and The Prophetic Sunnah in Forming a Civilized Family: A Guide For Parents in Communicating with Daughters


  • Maisarah Saidin Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Roshimah Shamsudin Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan, Universiti Sains Malaysia



Quran; Prophetic Sunnah; Madani Family; Parents; Communication; Daughters.


Parents have a significant responsibility to shape their children in accordance with Islamic teachings. As is known, prior to the advent of Islam, the pre-Islamic Arab society mistreated women and daughters. However, with the arrival of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), their dignity was elevated to a higher level. Daughters symbolise the future generation because they will become mothers and contribute to the quality of the next generation. Therefore, if daughters do not receive the best education and upbringing, they may not be able to handle their responsibilities as mothers to their own children. Education grounded in positive values can shape outstanding individuals. Hence, this study aims to analyse the Quranic and Prophetic approaches to shaping a Madani family through ethical communication with daughters. This is a qualitative study that employs data collection methods, with data being analysed through inductive and deductive methods based on the content of Quranic verses and their interpretations, as well as the core Hadith texts like the Al-Kutub Al-Sittah. The study findings suggest that an approach characterised by love and attention to children, firmness with wise disciplinary measures, and consistent guidance on religious values should serve as a guide for parents in communicating with their daughters.


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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v8i2.263
Published: 2023-12-01

How to Cite

Saidin, M. ., & Shamsudin, R. . (2023). Integrasi Al-Quran Dan Sunnah Nabawi Dalam Membentuk Keluarga Madani: Panduan Ibu Bapa Ketika Berkomunikasi Dengan Anak Perempuan: Integration of The Quran and The Prophetic Sunnah in Forming a Civilized Family: A Guide For Parents in Communicating with Daughters. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 8(2), 74-82.




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