Analisis Fakta Sirah Berkaitan Kelahiran dan Kewafatan Nabi Saw dalam Buku Teks Pendidikan Islam Tingkatan Satu Berdasarkan Manhaj Al-Muḥaddithīn
An Analytical Examination of the Sirah Narratives Pertaining to the Birth and Death of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Form One Islamic Education Textbook in Malaysia, Based on the Manhaj al-Muḥaddithīn Approach
Facts of the sirah, birth of the Prophet (PBUH), Islamic Education Textbook, manhaj al-muhaddithin.Abstract
This study is predicated, among other things, on the disclosure of mistakes related to the sirah of Prophet PBUH, which can be partly attributed to a lack of adherence to the strict method of criticism. Furthermore, several prior analyses and critiques of textbooks demonstrate that there is no guarantee that textbooks are error-free, even when it comes to the subject of sirah. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the facts of the sirah related to the birth and death of the Prophet PBUH using the muḥaddithīn’s methodology as a reliable method. The study focuses on the content of sirah in the Form One Islamic Education textbook. The method for data collection employed in this study was library research. The data was then analyzed using the inductive and comparative methods, as well as the method of the muḥaddithīn. The study discovered that the facts concerning the birth and death of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) vary, based on authentic hadiths, well-known opinions, agreed-upon facts, as well as facts that lack support from authentic hadiths. Furthermore, certain narrations are accepted even though they are not backed up by an authentic narrative when there is consensus among the scholars. Additionally, the study discovered that the analysis of the facts in the textbook yielded results that indicated both a high degree of factual accuracy and some facts that needed to be reviewed and corrected. These findings call for the attention and action of pertinent parties to guarantee the highest standards of education.
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