Al-Hadith Al-Gharib in the Discourse of Hadith Studies; The Authenticity and The Authority


  • Abdul Kamil Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia



al-hadith al-Gharib, Authenticity, Authority.


This article aims to examine the concept of al-hadith al-Gharib from the perspective of hadith scholars. The primary research questions address: (1) What defines al-hadith al-Gharib in the terminology of hadith science? (2) How can the authenticity of al-hadith al-Gharib be assessed? (3) What are the debates among scholars regarding the authority of al-hadith al-Gharib? This study is categorized as library research, focusing on the concepts of al-hadith al-Gharib, its authenticity, and its authority. The findings indicate that al-hadith al-Gharib refers to a narration reported by a single narrator at any point in the chain of transmission, whether at the beginning, middle, or end of the isnad. Regarding authenticity, al-hadith al-Gharib may be classified as either authentic—such as sahih or hasan hadith—or inauthentic, such as da'if or fabricated hadith. The process of determining the authenticity of al-hadith al-Gharib primarily involves assessing the reliability of the singular narrator and comparing the hadith with other transmission chains. A hadith narrated by a trustworthy individual that does not contradict other reliable traditions is deemed authentic, while contradictory or unreliable narrations are considered weak. Regarding authority, scholars differ in their evaluation of al-hadith al-Gharib . The majority of scholars maintain that al-hadith al-Gharib  can serve as a legal basis if it is authentic. In contrast, the Mu'tazilites reject the use of Ahad (single-narrator) hadith as a source of law. Meanwhile, the Hanafi school accepts al-hadith al-Gharib  as a legal foundation, provided it is not part of the ‘umum al-balwa (general public affairs).


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How to Cite

Kamil, A. . (2024). Al-Hadith Al-Gharib in the Discourse of Hadith Studies; The Authenticity and The Authority. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 9(2), 136–145.




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