Peranan Hadis Daif Dalam Menentukan Makna Hadis: Tinjauan Ke Atas Huraian Terpilih Daripada Kitab Syarah

The Role of Weak Hadith in Determining the Meaning of Hadith: A Literature Review on Selected Interpretation from Commentary Books


  • Ahmad Izzuddin Abu Bakar Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



Weak Hadith, Very Weak Hadith, Hadith Commentaries, Hadith Commentary Books


Scholars have different opinions on the function of weak hadith in the construction of law. Thus, the question about its usage in determining the meaning of a hadith arises. This is due to the existence of an agreed method that explains a hadith based on relevant hadiths. This study will look at the practice of authoritative sources of commentaries books in understanding every matter that is attributed to the Prophet SAW. It used a qualitative approach with the methodology of content analysis. The findings show that the usage of weak hadith at least plays two roles. First, the weak hadith serves to weight one of many conflicting hadith's meaning along with other Islamic legal text. Secondly, it becomes evidence for a meaning that has probability or iḥtimāl in a hadith that it may convey. There are three conditions that have been set for the hadiths that can be used. First, it cannot be categorized as very weak. Second, the meanings of the hadith are stated by other evidence. Third, the meaning of the hadith does not contradict the hadith that is in a higher status.


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DOI: 10.33102/johs.v6i2.148
Published: 2021-12-01

How to Cite

Abu Bakar, A. I. . (2021). Peranan Hadis Daif Dalam Menentukan Makna Hadis: Tinjauan Ke Atas Huraian Terpilih Daripada Kitab Syarah: The Role of Weak Hadith in Determining the Meaning of Hadith: A Literature Review on Selected Interpretation from Commentary Books. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 6(2), 46-55.




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