Pertanian Menurut Perspektif As-Sunnah: Tinjauan Umum Pemikiran dan Sumbangan Tokoh-Tokoh Ilmuwan Islam

Agriculture From The Sunnah Perspective: A General Overview Of Islamic Scholars' Thought And Contributions


  • Syed Najihuddin Syed Hassan Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Zulhilmi Mohamed Nor Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Nidzamuddin Zakaria Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Abdulloh Salaeh Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



Prophetic advice in agriculture, Islamic agricultural scholars, developing agricultural human capital


Engaging in the agricultural sector is Islamic demand. Rasulullah PBUH's suggestion clearly emphasizes the importance of this sector in prospering the greenery of this earth. This article collected several hadiths related to agriculture that explain the benefits of agriculture from the perspective of al-sunnah and its management, agriculture as an economic driver and the challenges of implementing al-sunnah recommendations in the era of globalization. Besides, this article also highlights some Islamic scholars who made significant contributions in the field of agriculture, namely al-Dinawari, Ibn Sina, Ibn Sidah, Ibn al-Rumiyyah and Ibn al-Baitar. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the collected study text. The main objective of this paper is to list the hadiths related to agricultural incentives as well as to present to the community that Islam since the heyday of Islamic civilization has emphasized the aspect of agriculture as one of the main sources of economy. Therefore, it is hoped that this article can contribute to the replenishment of human capital in the agricultural sector. This is further strengthened by the recommendations of the Malaysian government which places great emphasis on the agricultural sector.


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How to Cite

Syed Hassan, S. N., Mohamed Nor, Z. ., Zakaria, N. ., & Salaeh, A. (2021). Pertanian Menurut Perspektif As-Sunnah: Tinjauan Umum Pemikiran dan Sumbangan Tokoh-Tokoh Ilmuwan Islam: Agriculture From The Sunnah Perspective: A General Overview Of Islamic Scholars’ Thought And Contributions. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 6(2), 92–106.




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