Kecerdasan Spiritual Nabawi Perspektif ‘Uthman Najati

Nabawi Spiritual Intelligence in the Perspective of 'Uthman Najati


  • Suriani Sudi Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor
  • Phayilah Yama Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor
  • Fariza Md Sham Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor



spiritual intelligence; nabawi; psychology; Najati;


Spiritual intelligence is a construct of psychology that began to receive attention and became the focus of study among scholars in the field of psychology. Prior to this most studies referred to theories and conceptual frameworks relating to spirituality referred to Western scholars. However, the theory and conceptual framework proposed are sometimes not suitable to be used as a measuring instrument in the context of muslim community studies. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze the concept of spiritual intelligence nabawi introduced by 'Uthman Najati in his book al-Hadith al-Nabawi wa 'Ilm al-Nafs. This study uses the method of content analysis by analyzing the concept of spiritual intelligence perspective 'Uthman Najati in his work al-Hadith al-Nabawi wa 'Ilm al-Nafs. The study found that 'Uthman Najati carries the concept of spiritual intelligence is based on faith. The study also found that the model of spiritual intelligence presented by 'Uthman Najati in his work consists of two main components, namely the relationship with God and the relationship with oneself. Thus, the nabawi spiritual intelligence presented by 'Uthman Najati can be used as a guide and measuring instrument in the field of Islamic psychology, especially Islamic spiritual intelligence.


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How to Cite

Sudi, S., Yama, P. ., & Md Sham, F. . (2023). Kecerdasan Spiritual Nabawi Perspektif ‘Uthman Najati: Nabawi Spiritual Intelligence in the Perspective of ’Uthman Najati. Journal Of Hadith Studies, 8(1), 55–64.




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